Useful Resources
Half Term Activities
Useful Resources
In addition to the specific year group pages, below are some general resources that you could use at any time to supplement work set by teachers. Some will require you to register, but all are free to do so (often through the generosity of individual companies). We also believe that the BBC will be showing educational programmes in the near future.
Well-being - it is really important that you consider your well-being at this stressful time. This link has some free resources that you can do as a family to promote well-being (search for Coronavirus 14 day self-isolation activities).
SCARF - SCARF is our PSHE programme and it is centred around Harold the Giraffe, who's Daily Diary has lots of great ideas to stay fit, healthy and happy.
Oxford Owl - The Oxford Owl website has a lot of resources to support English and Maths. In particular, when you register you get access to over 100 free ebooks for 3-11 year olds. There are options to listen to the story and follow it as it is read and there are some comprehension questions with each one too.
Pobble365 - This is a great way to inspire some writing. Each day is a new picture with some questions to think about underneath. Year 5 and 6 have used this in class before (Mrs Hearn loves it!).
Mathantics - Mathantics is a Youtube channel where Rob teaches different mathematical concepts from Year 3 up. If you're stuck on any of your maths, then see if Rob can help!
DoodleMaths - DoodleMaths is one of Mr Jackman's favourites. It is a fantastic maths app that pitches questions at your level and does it in a fun way. Unfortunately it isn't free, but you can try a free 7-day trial to see what you think.
Transum - A great website for some quick maths puzzles - Starter of the Day can be a good way to start a maths session.
Whizz Pop Bang - Whizz Pop Bang is a science magazine (that Mr Jackman's son subscribes to) and they have produced lots of free resources (reading comprehensions and science activities) split into different year groups.
Being active
Joe Wicks PE lessons - Joe Wicks has a YouTube channel and has created some videos especially for children. The link will take you the PE with Joe website, where he will be doing a live PE lesson for children of all ages at 9 am each day.
Muddy Puddles - The Muddy Academy has lots of free activity ideas for all ages that you can do outside. Whilst you are having a walk, why not make it a little longer and make it educational.
Hour of Code - The children love doing coding on Hour of Code and I'm sure some have been on it already. Mrs Bieny says Grade 1 is good for younger children, Grade 3 for Year 3 and up and Grade 5 for Year 5 up (or any computer Whizzes out there!).
Berkshire Maestros - Our local music service have made some Wake Up and Sing videos on YouTube – these can be used as a morning workout for your voice. Suitable for the whole family, each day builds up to a week’s focus on one song.
Twinkl - Twinkl is a resource often used by teachers and they have kindly offered every parent access to their resources for free (initially for 1 month).
Advice for parents can be found here. The code you will need is CVDTWINKLHELPS
Home learning packs can be found here: KS1 and KS2 and EYFS.
Espresso - Discovery Education have also allowed access to their resources for free. There are loads of resources here, including videos, interactive games and information about a range of topics that we study at school. Generally, EYFS and KS1 children use this within school, but there are a lot of resources for KS2 as well.
Click here to go to the website and click 'Login' in the top right corner.
Our school username is student4717 and the password is pang321.
First News - The school subscribes to First News, a newspaper for kids. You can read it for free on their website and there are also activities to do. A really good way to keep children informed about the current situation in a child-friendly way.